History Foundry
- 1949
- 1959
- 1969
- 1979
- 1989
- 1999
- 2009
- 2019
- 2025

The square in front of the Tommasi Foundry at the time it was run by Del Chiaro. The ‘No title’ by Enzo Cucchi and ‘SUD’ by Mimmo Paladino can be seen in the picture

The Foundry in via delle Iare. From left: Emanuela, Franco, Barbara, Massimo and Roberto, 1990’s

The square in front of the Del Chiaro Foundry in 1987. From left: work by Jacqueline Diffring, the sculptures ‘Dancer III’, ‘Pietà’ and ‘Dancer’ by Charles Umlauf, three works that are part of the monumental group for the Square of Theatre in Luxembourg b

From the left: Joseph Sheppard, Alfredo Tasso, Bruno Lucchesi, Tony Brukert, Harry Marinsky, Nina Akamu, David Jungquist, Ester Vertheimer, Barry Johnston, Giancarlo Biagi, Marcello Tommasi, Stanley Bleifeld, Nathaniel Kaz, 1980 ca

The Massimo Del Chiaro Foundry in via delle Iare, at Pietrasanta. Centre: the sculpture Hope for the Future by Charles Umlauf, 1985

The land and premises of the Foundry in via delle Iare at the time these were bought, 1984

Aerial view of the Foundry in via delle Iare, 2006

Fiore De Henriquez visiting the Del Chiaro Foundry together with the cousins of the Queen of England. From left: a friend of the artist, the British noble couple, Fiore De Henriquez, another friend of the artist and Massimo Del Chiaro, 1983

Massimo with his son Roberto and the actress Stefania Sandrelli (centre)

Ilaria Forattini, Massimo Del Chiaro (second from the left), Giorgio Forattini, Ivan Theimer. In the background, a sculpture by Ivan Theimer

The actor Sam Jaffe with Massimo Del Chiaro

Sergio Marrai, Roberto Del Chiaro (second from the left), Andrea Bocelli, Gina Lollobrigida at the Foundry, 2000

The sculptor Charles Umlauf with an exceptional student, the actress Farrah Fawcett, who also posed for him

Harry Marinsky together with Mrs. James Madden, the purchaser of the works for the Harlequin Plaza, Greenwood Village, Englewood (Colorado), in front of the plasticine enlargement of sculpture “Great Music”

Fiore De Henriquez’s photo with autograph dedication

20 June 2001, Fiore De Henriquez with Massimo Del Chiaro in Peralta for her eightieth birthday

Fiore De Henriquez in Peralta

Carlo Guarienti while working

Enzo Cucchi while working

Not Vital

Enzo Cucchi, ‘No title’; centre, Mimmo Paladino “SUD”, patinated bronze, h cm. 600

Stanley Bleifeld retouching a wax sculpture

Joseph Sheppard, drawing dedicated to Massimo Del Chiaro on the first page of a catalogue

Ken Noritomo Otani visiting the Foundry with his wife. From the left: Franco and Massimo Del Chiaro, Ken Noritomo Otani, Roberto Del Chiaro, Noriko Otani

Catherine Fourniau modelling a work in plaster

Lorenzo Garaventa in his studio in Genoa

Massimo Del Chiaro with Romano Cosci in the sculptor’s studio in Pietrasanta

Caroline Van der Merwe with Massimo Del Chiaro, in the background, some works of art by the sculptress

Carlo Guarienti while working

Antonio Vinciguerra retouching the wax of one component of the monument to Tuscany Interporto